Saturday, December 18, 2010

whats the deal with people stealing shoes

whilest surfing the other day I buried my $5 walgreens flippity flops in the sand. After wowing everyone on the beach with my surfing skills I headed back to collect my flops.


Just like my sneakers a week before.

Now Im walking around literally shoeless throughout New Zealand. No shoes.

I hope whoever stole my flip flops gets ring worm.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Anyone seen my shoes?

After 11 months on the road, literally walking through cow shit, foreign sidewalks, beaches, Macchu Picchu, salt flats, Hindu Temples, caves, glaciers, and the like...I have lost my shoes.

I'm heart broken.

I literally was going to frame them when I got home.

The van we are living in has a wonderful storage area under our bed. Perfect for throwing your shoes into when youre done for the day..if it had the net I wanted to install which would have kept said shoes from falling out of the van.

They fell out somewhere in the South Island of New Zealand.

The only thing keeping me from cutting my feet of is the idea Sabrina put into my head. She said "the shoes probably realized the trip was near its end and they decided they weren't done traveling. So they left."

I can get down with that. Good luck shoes wherever your travels may take you.

This one is for me, so I never forget

to not count your John Grudens before they hatch.

Bah Humbug

We're having a bad day today. Just kinda beat down from traveling. You know being on the road for 12 months and all. We're in Wellington, which is a spitting image of San Francisco (seriously they're like carbon copies) and I think it's making us a little home sick. Factor that in with the fact that most every New Zealander we meet is a complete uber asshole and we've decided to take our frustrations out on the following list. We do not mean to offend we just mean to get things off our chest.

Here are the things we've learned to hate (if only temporarily) in a year of traveling.

- people speaking with an accent
- looking at maps
- people. in general.
- foreigners
- wearing the same clothes every day
- walking around cities in flip flops because your shoes disappeared
- having to figure out where you are going to sleep every single night
- New Zealanders. SERIOUSLY.
- guitars
- having a headache
- losing my sunglasses
- people who don't understand the concept of personal space
- having to pay for a shower
- having to pay for internet
- the phrase, "what do you want to do"
- the phrase "i dont know what do you want to do."
- having to charge things daily because your batteries last 15 minutes.
- "sweet as"
- having the same conversation over and over again.
- being hungover
- not being drunk
- not being able to chill out
- not having our own space to chill out in
- people saying "blah blah blah when you get back to the real world blah blah blah"
- people honking at you when they pass as if youre not driving the speed limit.
- new zealnd radio stations
- john gruden, the miami hurricanes, the miami heat, jacory harris, and the entire national sports media
- losing the car keys
- losing the luggage locks
- losing my hair bands
- losing my ATM card
- losing the electric converter
- losing the phone charger
- losing the internet usb
- finding foreign currency we forgot to exchange
- looking for free wi-fi
- 10 am check outs
- money
- snotty hostel owners who look at us like were homeless because we sleep in van (by choice)
- the thought of getting a job again
- Ke$ha and the fact she spells her name with a dollar sign.
- facebook status updates
- waiting for pictures to upload
- counting megabytes
- not wanting to travel but not wanting to go home
- being fat
- being out of shape
- being constipated
- having the shits
- mosquito and sandfly bites that itch so bad you can't sleep at night
- overpriced adventure activities
- overpriced gas
- overpriced beer
- peeing in a bottle (the novelty has worn off)
- I would say 'peeing in the sink', but that would require me to admit that I pee in the camper van sink.
- meeting people everyday you'll probably never see again
- carrying a fucking backpack everywhere i go
- feeling like you cant afford anything, and always having to buy it anyway
- lonely planets
- being the new person in a hostel and having every upity ass traveler look at you like you have leprocy.
- having to listen to how many countries dude with a guitar and girl with dreadlocks has traveled to.
- meeting americans who make you hate america