I realized lately that I'm taking myself a little too seriously with this blog thing. I've started hating myself for it. I mean really, these babbling diatribes about chickens crossing the road and how its the secret to life, really? Who the hell am I Karl Sager? Nope. I'm just some knucklehead traveling around the world looking at shiny fish and eating coconuts. I'm sorry I forgot that, it won't happen again.
Yesterday was fun
Started out by getting scammed by a tour guide. He saddled up beside us as we were walking to the fish market next thing we know he's asking us for $60 american dollars for showing us some fish.
Next we got scammed at lunch. I must have ordered the "whitey special" because we were charged two times the price of our meal. Lucky us.
After that we decided to screw it all and head to the nicest hotel in town. I forgot what hotels like that were like. It was actually really refreshing to order a $5 beer and a $10 glass of wine. We sat there laughing at ourselves, sipping expensive drinks in our tank tops and dirty feet as a piano played in the background.
Off to buy our ferry tickets. Holy crap. what seemed like 100 guys descended on us as we approached the ferry zone. "Hey my friend" " Boss over here" " Hey buddy I can get you nice boat" all walking with us stride for stride as if we were jesus and his apostles. Having already been screwed twice in one day I quickly learned how to tell them thanks but no thanks. It didnt work. I'm not quite sure if we made it out alive. I may be writing this from an internet cafe in heaven.
Finally we strolled through the neighborhood and found the row of hindu temples. Walkign around on the spotless marble served as a needed break from the insanity out on the street. I walked into one temple and was approached by a man who was praying when I walked in. He took me through the temple and explained his religion to me. I have to say it was one of the coolest things that happened so far, especially when he saw Sabrina sitting at the entry and asked if she wanted to come in, but only if she was "clean and not on her period". I laughed and asked "how do you define clean?"