Thursday, December 31, 2009
All Jokes Aside
Theres something absolutely terrifying about waking up in a strange place where you dont speak the language and where everyone looks at you like youre an alien. I woke up yesterday in Peru and looked at my lime green hostel walls and asked myself "what the fuck am I doing!".
Fast forward an hour to me in a cafe, trying to force down a sandwich while fighting the nausea of knowing I gave up a great job, a great apartment, great friends, and a comfortable bed to travel in smelly buses and sleep in hostels that more resemble a rave than a place to catch a nice nights sleep.
Its enough to make you sick.
This is my life. For the next year and hopefully when I'm done I'll realize that the comforts of home were really the things making me sick.
Being scared is fucking awesome.
Stepping outside of your comfort zone is completely terrifying.
You should try it sometime.
Holy shit. Here we go.
Glow sticks and ear plugs.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Failure to Launch
Plane ticket - check
Monday, December 21, 2009
Anyone see my meth / extra tank tops?

Friday, December 18, 2009
To my dissapointment..Brazil looks alot like Beverly Hills
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Sorry if my underwear stinks...
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Hell hath frozen over

I have joined Facebook. I blame all the excitingly exotic friends I will meet across the globe.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Tonight we party, tomorrow we puke
Sunday, November 1, 2009
If you've ever asked yourself
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Check out this handsome young man!

You can be handsome too! Be the envy of your friends and enemies. Buy your official Sabrina & Reece World Tour 2010 t-shirt today!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Hooray I'm Indestructible

Mr. Burns: You mean I have pneumonia?
Doctor: Yes.
Mr. Burns: Juvenile diabetes?
Doctor: Yes.
Mr. Burns: Hysterical pregnancy?
Doctor: Uh, a little bit, yes. You also have several diseases that have just been discovered - in you.
Mr. Burns: I see. You sure you haven't just made thousands of mistakes?
Doctor: Uh, no, no, I'm afraid not.
Mr. Burns: This sounds like bad news.
Doctor: Well, you'd think so, but all of your diseases are in perfect balance. Uh, if you have a moment, I can explain.
Mr. Burns: Well...
[looks at his watch]
Mr. Burns: [the Doctor puts a tiny model house door on his desk]
Doctor: Here's the door to your body, see?
[bring up some small fuzz balls with goofy faces and limbs from under the desk]
Doctor: And these are oversized novelty germs.
[points to a different one up as he names each disease]
Doctor: That's influenza, that's bronchitis,
[holds up one]
Doctor: and this cute little cuddle-bug is pancreatic cancer. Here's what happens when they all try to get through the door at once.
[tries to cram a bunch through the model door. The "germs" get stuck]
Doctor: [Stooge-like] Woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo. Move it, chowderhead.
[normal voice]
Doctor: We call it, "Three Stooges Syndrome".
Mr. Burns: So what you're saying is, I'm indestructible.
Doctor: Oh, no, no, in fact, even slight breeze could...
Mr. Burns: Indestructible.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Thanks Jack

This is my boss. He makes an awesome ultimate cheeseburger, and in his spare time he's been gracious enough to employ me for a year.

Thursday, October 1, 2009
If it wasn't for the girl hiding behind these Hippos
Thursday, September 24, 2009
A year is longer than I thought
Get 2920 hours of sleep
Eat 365 apples
Check 7300 times
Log into my facebook profile 0 times
Masterbate 121 times (really ? That seems low)
Spend 780 hours working (HAHAHAHAHA)
Pay $22,500 in rent
Call my sister 91 times
Listen to my sister complain about my mother 91 times.
Call my mother to explain why my sister was complaining about her 91 times.
Hit the snooze button 1040 times
Stare at my Iphone for 2190 hours.
Curse at my Iphone 143 times.
Do 60060 situps
Drink 265 beers.
Fight 17 hangovers.
Swear I’ll never drink again 17 times.
Ride 1560 miles to work.
Fly 41600 miles back and forth from LA to SF.
Play 2354 hours of Madden 2009 and still suck at it.
Swallow 104 bugs while sleeping…8 of those would be spiders.
Shed 1.5 pounds of dead skin
Drink 2920 glasses of water.
Take on average 4,380,000 steps.
Sneeze 200 times.
Take 730 craps (averaging two craps per day)
Wow I lead an exciting life.
P.S. Feel free to add to the list. It's fun and free.
Monday, August 10, 2009
From frosted tips to crows feet.

I used to think California was another planet. Living in Florida it seemed so far away. I was sure it wasn't physically connected to the rest of the country. There had to be a great valley or chasm that swallowed up station wagon after station wagon as they foolishly tried to travel West. It had to be another world because the people who lived there were aliens. Or ghosts. Or alien ghosts.