Thursday, September 24, 2009

A year is longer than I thought

So it hit me the other day. I'm traveling the world for a year. 365 days of wondering where I left my passport, or how I'm going to find a toilet I can use that won't give me hepatitis. Made me really think about how long a year is.

So I made a list of things I could do in a year, besides traveling.

Watch an episode of Dexter 11,680 times

Get 2920 hours of sleep

Eat 365 apples

Check 7300 times

Log into my facebook profile 0 times

Masterbate 121 times (really ? That seems low)

Spend 780 hours working (HAHAHAHAHA)

Pay $22,500 in rent

Call my sister 91 times

Listen to my sister complain about my mother 91 times.

Call my mother to explain why my sister was complaining about her 91 times.

Hit the snooze button 1040 times

Stare at my Iphone for 2190 hours.

Curse at my Iphone 143 times.

Do 60060 situps

Drink 265 beers.

Fight 17 hangovers.

Swear I’ll never drink again 17 times.

Ride 1560 miles to work.

Fly 41600 miles back and forth from LA to SF.

Play 2354 hours of Madden 2009 and still suck at it.

Swallow 104 bugs while sleeping…8 of those would be spiders.

Shed 1.5 pounds of dead skin

Drink 2920 glasses of water.

Take on average 4,380,000 steps.

Sneeze 200 times.

Take 730 craps (averaging two craps per day)

Wow I lead an exciting life.

P.S. Feel free to add to the list. It's fun and free.


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