Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Viva la Mexico!

One of the reasons I love to travel so much is because overall I'm a pretty dumb guy. I can fully admit I don't know that much about places I haven't been. Probably why I thought lions would be walking down the streets of South Africa before I visited.

This is partly due to the fact I'm also pretty lazy when it comes to educating myself on world happenings. I figure I'd rather visit a place for myself than get someone else's opinion of it.

Which brings me to Mexico City. Prior to putting sneaker to pavement, all I knew of Mexico City and Mexico in general is the following…White Americans either go there to party or to die. American media leads us to believe that Mexico City is a scary place, full of scary people doing scary things. Why on earth would you want to travel to one of our closest neighboring countries when it has a reputation like that?

I'll tell you why. Because Mexico City is amazing. Not only is it massive, but it's also very modern. European like even. Gigantic metro system. More parks than you can shake a churro at. Hipster neighborhoods with great coffee, beer, and skinny jeans. Amazing people. Incredible culture. And food! Food every 5 steps! Delicious food. Face meltingly good food. For next to nothing.

Add to that Mexican wrestling, 70's gay discos, naps in the park, more food, mescal, ancient pyramids and food and you've got yourself a fantastic time that neither Fox News or CNN would endorse.


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