Our volunteering is over. We've said our goodbyes. Bought our bags of rice. Did some good things, and hopefully made a difference.
Not all of it was great, but alot of it was. I'm very glad I did it, and look forward to spreading the word about the program.
These kids are smart. They have tons of potential, they just need some help from those who can. I have faith that help will find its way to their muddied school yard.
I feel good. Helping others is alot easier than I once thought. I think all people really want, is for someone to show that they notice them and care. That's not so hard to do.
I'll miss the kids and defenitly look back fondly on my time spent there. Time I'm sure will erase any of the negative experiences I had.
Now, concious cleaned, good will done, it's time to go get drunk with our new Irish friends Dave and Hellen. Gotta love this trip!
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