I have a hair problem. Everyday I go back and forth about what the fuck I should do with it. When its short I wish it was long, when its long I wish I had an afro. I can never make up my mind as to what to do with it.
On this trip i thought I had it all figured out. I wanted to look as Euro as possible, but since I can only grow the facial hair of a 10 year old italian girl I figured the hair on my head would have to do most of the heavy lifting. So I researched Euro hairstyles that would go well with a traveling lifestyle. The perfect balance between style and ease of use. I thought I found the answer in the Euro Soccer player style. Here you grow your hair long and use a thin head band to hold it back. Makes the front look clean and the back a wild mess. It works for all the popular soccer players over here so I figured it would work for me. Then I tried it and realised I look like a fucking moron.
So whats next. I know maybe Ill go full Hippie adventure travel guy and pull my hair back into a ponytail. Its almost long enough (no it isnt). Well I did that too. And low and behold I once again look like a fucking moron.
Finally I got to the point where I'm just not washing it anymore. To hell with it I say! What happens? My hair resorts back to the haircut i had in college , the ole Zack Morris Butt Cut, only my butt is much much greasier. So again fucking moron.
This is my hell. I know if I cut it off Ill hate it, but if I leave it in this in between limbo I'll hate it even more. What to do! Should I braid it like the sunburned little fat girls do in the bahamas? Or maybe Ill grow dreads. I think that carries alot of travel street cred. Or maybe for once have the balls to do a real mohawk. On the other hand maybe I'll perm it. Then again...
**I'm open to suggestions.
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