Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Picking up a pencil.

I used to draw a lot. Wallpaper my room with countless sketches of Batman, Batman, and well Batman. What can I say? I really relate to the guy.

I like to think my love of comic books created my love of comic book art which inspired me to learn how to draw. At first I really sucked. Batman was always too fat, and his proportions were always wrong. Torso longer than legs, head 2 sizes too big, etc. but after years of practice I got pretty good. I was a human xerox machine. Give me something to reference and I could freehand it perfectly.

And then freshman year happened.

After working on a drawing of The Joker for more than a week, I returned to my dorm room to find someone had taken a red magic marker and drawn a giant happy face on it. After punching a hole in the wall, I put down my pencils and never drew again.

Fast forward 20 something years, to a beach town in Mexico, where I finally got the nerve to try again.

Lets hope no one in the town owns a red magic marker.


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