Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Niceness is pretty nice.

I've tried to write this entry 12 times. Each time I finish, I scrap it because it's not saying what I intended it to say.

The point is simple. I'm learning how to recognize kindness, but for some reason I havent been able to come out and say it...until then..good this might finally go somewhere.

I've read countless times that you can see the acts of God through the kindness people show you, but unless you actively look for it most times it will be missed. I'm learning that you have to be open to it. Use your eyes to really see instead of just look. You would think it would be easy, you would think it would be second nature. Who wouldnt't want to accept kindness from others? But it isn't. Or at least it isn't for me. Maybe that's because I'm American, or maybe it's because I have a difficult time trusting people. Whatever the reason allowing people to be kind to me has been a process.

The good news is I'm learning. I'm looking. And I'm realizing that kindness is exponential. Once you see it, you realize it's all around you and it's been there the whole time. What starts as a good deed from one person, allows you to see the kindess in another. And then another. Soon it seems like everyone you run into wants to help you, then all of the sudden you become the one helping others.

I guess the world is alot like those Magic Eye posters from the 90's. You can spend years staring at it, trying to see the hidden unicorn leaping over the laughing bear and see nothing. Then one day your eyes relax, you begin to see things a little more clearly and BAM there it is, kinidness, in all its unicorn leaping glory.

It's just one of the many things you learn on the road I guess. When you start stripping away all the superficial crap that clouds your daily life. When you open yourself up to people and to experience you learn that God is kind. Really kind. So are the people around you. Both want to be good to you. Both want to help you, and both want to see you happy. The signs of this are everywhere. All you have to do is open your eyes and see whats really around you.


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