Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Now I know what Vanilla Ice felt like...being a white celebrity.

I can finally say "I'm huge in Africa." and mean it. I am. It's really weird, but I kinda feel a little like Miley Cirus with bad facial hair over here. Maybe its because I'm from America, or maybe its because I'm white. Maybe it's because I'm sporting the homless has been rock star look lately, but I've been in more than one situation on this trip where a complete stranger asks me to take a picture with them.

At first I thought they were asking me to take a picture OF them. I'd fumble with translation, miming the international sign for picture taking, and they'd motion back the same symbol, until they muttered in broken English 'no with you'.

With me? Are you serious? Clearly you must have me mistaken with Kenny Logins or someone equally as famous. But nope. They want a picture with me. Turns out most white folks over here don't have to be famous to be gawked at for hours. All you have to be is white, and in this part of the country. I guess they don't get much of us here, because no matter where we go every single eye in town is on us. Kids will sit next to us at restaurants, mouths agape as their ice cream cones melt in their hands. Men will stumble into oncoming traffic trying to sneak a peak (mostly at Sabrinas boobs), women will look in confusion dipped in disgust. And everyone wants a picture.

I must now be featured on nearly 20 international Facebook sites. I always wonder where these pictures are going to end up. What the people who took them are going to tell their friends. "yeah see this white dude. He tried to steal my box of KFC but I karate chopped him in the nose and he ran away crying." or maybe " see this dude, I stole his girlfriend". Whatever the story might be I'd love to hear them. I just hope I don't end up on some international website selling children for blood diamonds, but knowing my luck I probably will.


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